This is a guest post by two ladies who chose woodworking as their profession!. Do you know many ladies who do this? I met one before (she also took one of my jewelry making classes). Now I know two more nice ladies who do this :)
You can find a list of all their "behind the scene" posts here.
Hello all! Let us introduce ourselves. We are Maria and Tatiana. We are an artistic duet called VZBRELO :)
We make home decor items, souvenirs, pottery, jewelry, and wooden notebooks that have become a trend! All our items are handmade. We love mixing styles, trends and techniques. Our main goal is to make things that our world would be incomplete without! :)
This is a short story of how we started our company. We worked together in a children's wooden toys studio. Our combined experience is almost 12 years! We fell in love with the wood, so we wanted to keep working with it even after we left the company. Wood is a material with unlimited possibilities!
We wanted to continue working with the wood. We realized that it was easier to start our own company than to find a job we wanted. Now, almost two years later we are still happy that we have made that decision!
Right at the beginning we have found some gaps in our knowledge, so we went to a college and took a course in carpentry and furniture making, that we successfully graduated with honors.
We make a lot of different things. Today we would like to tell and show how we make wooden sketchbooks.
It took a few tries and mistakes, but our experience at the previous work and new knowledge from school helped us to come up with a way to design our sketchbooks well. One of our favorite techniques is pyrography (it is a technique of decorating wood by burning a design on the surface with a heated metallic point). Most of our sketchbooks are decorated with this technique now.
We use our own sketches for all our designs, unless a customer wants to get involved in creating a design for his or her order. Those orders might get very interesting, but we love when we hear: "I trust your taste" the most :)
We love sharing our creative process. Sometimes pictures are not good enough when we are trying to share our experience and what we call the atmosphere of the process. Then we create videos of the process (if we have time):
Recently we have moved into a new workshop. Now we are busy trying to renovate it and set it up in the best way for our work. We have created a video about it already:
We hope you enjoyed our story :)
We will write more posts about our work. Stay tuned!
If you are interested in what we do, come and visit us! Our mane online community is here. We also have an Instagram account, where we post pictures about our work and life. We love meeting new friends!
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