

Friday, June 3, 2016

Prehnite balls intermingled with Schorl Tourmaline. From the Djouga diggings, Bendougou Village, Arrondissement Diako, Bafoulabé Circle, Kayes Region, Mali. Measures 9.5 cm by 7.3 cm by 4.7 cm in total size.

#jewelleryfacts365 124/365 Gold fact

The heaviest modern gold bullion coin is Austria's Philharmonic. In 2004, the coin, which has a weight of 1,000 ounces (31.1 kilograms or 69 troy pounds or 828 troy ounces) and a diameter of 15 inches, was dubbed the world’s largest gold coin by Guinness World Records.

The Australian Philarmonic

Sold #oneofakind jewellery

Jewelry Designer Blog. Jewelry by Natalia Khon. Design by Pocket