I have found an owl print for my virtual (for now) collection! Isn't is absolutely awesome?
Then I learned something else about the artist... She has come up with an idea of hand painted wooden art prints! This is how it looks like:
To make this happen she is raising money at indiegogo.com
This is her message:
I'm raising $600 to make 100 hand painted wooden art prints. It's
something that I haven't seen anywhere else - even though I repeat the
same designs, each piece is unique because each board is a little
different, and hand painting will always make little variations in color
and texture. One of the really exciting things is the designs - before
the campaign ends, I'll have a total of 20 designs posted, but I'll
only be producing 10. Campaign supporters who give $1 or more get to
vote and decide which designs are produced - I'll only make the 10 most
popular designs for these 100 prints. After I send out the perks to
campaign supporters, I'll offer the remaining prints for sale online in
my Etsy store, however supporters get the pieces first, and with free
shipping. People who support this campaign not only get a unique piece
of art, they get it before it's available anywhere else, with free
shipping, and they get to help a small business expand - I'm using the
added exposure and inventory to expand my store. If people can't
donate, but they still like the project and want to help, sharing it on
facebook or twitter could actually be a really big help, too - every bit
of exposure helps, because you never know who's going to see it online
and support the campaign.
- Donations of all sizes get a personal thank you on my tumblr
- For $1, you get to vote on which designs get produced for the final
line - I'll have 20 to choose from, but for the first round I'll only
use 10.
- $5 and you get a vote + a greeting card with the design of your choice
- $10 and you get a vote + two greeting cards in the design(s) of your choice
- $15 is one vote + 3 greeting cards in the design(s) of your choice
- $20 and up can start picking from the wood art prints, starting with unframed 2"x3" mini boards, all with free shipping
- $50 you can get a full sized 8"x10" framed board, and 2 votes for designs
- $100+ and you can get multiple boards plus 3 votes for designs
- For any donation between $5 - $15 you can select 1 - 3 greeting cards
I am fascinated with the idea of the artists to have a web-site where they can ask for help in order to start creating and get it!
For those who likes Heather's art and also likes the idea of a hand painted wooden art print (the prices are great for a unique gift like this!), here is the link again
Good luck, Heather!