
International Festival "Magic Beads 2010"

Monday, September 6, 2010

I would like to keep this event in my memory... It was a fantastic event... that I missed, alas. It took place in Ukraine and was coordinated by Yurij Shumanskij, the owner of a magazine devoted to the art of beaded jewellery called "Modnyj".

He invited three designers out of the founders of the International Association of Designers "Art-Biser" to be part of a jury. And yes, I have something to do with it, as I am among its founders too.

No way I could join the event (though a couple of people actually came from the USA to be part of jury), but I was lucky to participate in the discussions of the jury girls: Irina Belinskaya, Albina Plyanskaya and Anjelica Susoenkova. It was interesting to look at the Festival from inside, even being a half a planet away from it!

Here are a few pictures that I borrowed from Y.Shumanskij web-site:

1) In this picture you may see (left to right): I.Belinskaya (President of the International Association "Art-Biser"), A.Susoenkova, A.Polyanskaya and S.Bacileva:

2) Irina's necklace is something, isn't it? By the way, the red roses at the top of this page are made by her also:

3) S.Bacileva is teaching a free of charge (as one of the the sponsors of the "Art-Biser" association) lesson of kniting with beads:

4) This is a displey of the Internation Association "Art-Biser":

5) Models wearing jury girls' jewellery:

6) The outfit made by S.Bacileva that got the first prize:

7) Famous I.Belinskaya's necklace (thinking how to translate the name... maybe as a "Russian Phoenix" or "Fire-bird" - it is from a fairy-tale):

8) Ankars necklace made by Rina Stepnaya (one more founder of the "Art-Biser" association):

9) Necklace made by A.Polyanskaya:

I hope you enjoyed reading this report as much as I was enjoing writing it!

Natalia Khon,

Canadian Jewellery Designer.

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