
Top 10 Christmas cookie decorations

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Great news! Christmas is coming! :) I know that you know (that I know that you know )) Are you going to make cookies? What about decorating them? I needed some inspiration and decided to find the best decorated cookies in Internet. Here is my Top 10 (not necessarily in this order, they all are number ones!)  Evidently I know nothing about cookie decorating :) All these designs surprised me! This is why they are in my list here. Enjoy (and drool with me :)

Visit my Pinterest board to see the sources of the pictures as well as more cookie decoration ideas 

Christmas home decoration ideas

Look at all the wonderful ideas in this collection curated by Anna! Oh, that bullfinch bird! I am in love! What do you like the best?

Find all the featured shops in this collection as well as the featured shops from the previously published collections in our growing guide of great items for the house decor here.

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