I have met Katya on etsy. She makes lots of different wonderful artistic things! Today she shows us how she decorates a lantern with stained glass paints.
Katya wrote a few guest posts for the blog. You can find all her DIY posts here.
Enjoy her story:
This is what I need in order to start: part-pieces (wood and glass), stained-glass paints and contour for painting on glass, acrylic paints, a one-step craquelure lacquer and patina to give the finished piece an old look. I am trying to use only high-quality materials for my work. In this case I use products of an American manufacturer Plaid, domestic "Tair" and an Italian bitumen from MAIMERI.
First, I work with a wooden body of the future lantern. Wood is impregnated and given a sanding. Then I apply the first (bottom) layer of acrylic paint. It will be seen on the surface through the cracks of the craquelure lacquer. When the first coat of paint has dried, I apply craquelure lacquer and leave the piece to dry.
Next step is to apply the second (upper) layer of acrylic paint with a piece of sponge. The cracks will start appearing right away! Then the piece needs to be left alone to dry for 24 hours. After that I will apply a few layers of acrylic lacquer.
I degrease glass lantern parts with acetone. Then I make a sketch of the layout of the picture that I am going to paint on the glass parts. I place my sketch under each glass piece and outline the picture with the contour paint. When the paint dries I will apply stained glass paints.
Then the glass pieces need to be left alone for 2 weeks to dry well. After that I will apply a sealant for the stained glass paints.
Now I am ready to put the lantern together and see what happens! Let's put a candle inside and watch the magic!
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