This is one of the guest posts by the VZBRELO girls. You can find a list of all their "behind the scene" and DIYs posts here.
Easter is coming. Maria and Tatiana of VZBRELO shared a wonderful DIY for the beginners. Love, love, love! Certainly going to do this with my kids when they get older!
Easter is coming, so we decided to share a rather simple DIY for those who would like to try basic woodcuts.
You will need:
- A good mood is a must!
- Plywood pre-cuts in egg shape (or any shape, as you can make Christmas tree decorations this way too!)
- Chisels (half-round or triangle shape)
- Paints (dyes, water colors, acrylic or inc)
- Grinding sponge or fine-grained sandpaper
- Ribbons
- Brush
- Pencil
1. Start with smoothing out the pre-cuts with the sandpaper. Do not rub too hard. A few moves will do the trick. Move along the wood fibers.
2. Next step is to paint the eggs' surface. We like seeing the wood texture, so we used only one layer of paint. Then we slightly sanded the surface to see the texture even better. Do not let this confuse you, as you can paint the background with even two layers of acrylic if this is the look you like the best.
3. Time to do the markup. This is a very important step. Do not underestimate the importance of it!
Use pencil for this. You can use a colored pencil if it makes it easier to see the markups.
4. Starting the woodcuts. Slowly and carefully remove the top layer of wood with a chisel. Do not try to cut too deep. All you need is to remove a little bit of wood with the paint. You need to cut along the wood grains, otherwise you might chip the wood.
Try to make each cut (even if it is a long line) in one light uninterrupted move to get a smooth line with the same depth all the way. It is ok if you cannot do it at the beginning. It is going to be a charming handmade decoration anyway!
5. Have you noticed a light colored line in our pictures? This is not a mistake in shooting! This is a piece of wood that we use to stop the eggs from moving while woodcutting them. Never use your fingers for this and always cut away from yourself and your fingers! Move the egg to adjust it to always engrave it away from yourself.
6. Here is what we have made! Now we just need to varnish the surface with acrylic lacquer.
BTW, the pattern can be double-sided. Just follow this instructions to decorate both sides of your wooden pre-cuts.
7. As you see from the picture, we used a piece of ribbon, twine and yarn for the finished decorations. We just wanted to see what was going to look the best for this kind of work. We like all three! Which one is your favorite?
8. We hope you enjoyed our DIY, and maybe even found it useful! Has it given you even more ideas? Share them in the comments!
Well, if you've read this DIY till the end, here is a bonus for you :) the ideas of how you could use these decorative technique:
- Gifts to your random guests (you now, to those you usually give home baked donuts), to the teachers, friends, gramma. (We are going to give these decorations to tree of our customers);
- Decorate your coasters or even bread boards (on one side, not the one you cut your bread on);
- Make a whole picture for your wall or a board for hanging your keys on;
- Key chains, crib carousels, pendants, Christmas tree decorations and garlands.
Wishing you a happy Easter!
Maria and Tatiana.
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