
Zebrawood jewelry box by Paul Szewc

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Just recently I asked myself: "I wonder, where people keep their jewelry?" This is when I started my virtual collection of jewelry boxes. I could not pass by these fancy boxes! Everything is wonderful about them: the shape and the wood. I could see them on the "Antique Road" show 50 years from now :) 

(If I win a lottery, I will get a pair!)


katiecupcakes said...

How neat! They look like they belong in Alice In Wonderland!

La Vie en May said...

Very cool! I agree with Katie. It looks like something from Alice in Wonderland!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Yes, they'd look wonderful with my Alice in Wonderland collection!

Natalia said...

@Kristin: save it for the next Wonderland collection! ;)

2justByou said...

These are awesome jewelry boxes! So cool.

Clair said...

Could imaging these in Narnia!

Jewelry Designer Blog. Jewelry by Natalia Khon. Design by Pocket