
Monday Inspirational Quotes

Monday, March 17, 2014

Good news! I am giving away this wire-wrapped pendant! For free, of course. Anybody has a chance to get it! How? You can find out if you follow this link >>>

Since it is Monday, the day for an inspirational quote, here it is!

(The author of the picture is Lyudmila San)


2justByou said...

The text is really small, so I couldn't make it out, but the image is absolutely beautiful. Inspirational all on its own. =0)

Natalia said...

If you click on the picture, it will open bigger and you will be able to read the text then :)

Kristin Aquariann said...

Stunning view! Do you know where it was taken?

Natural Home Maker said...

Love the photo that alone is inspiring!

Natalia said...

No, she did not write. However, she lives in Russia, so, most likely it is somewhere there.

katiecupcakes said...

Absolutely lovely!!

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