Have you ever seen this jewellery making technique? It looks like tatting... some of you might say. However, tatting is an old technique for making flat lace. This piece is not flat, but 3D. The tatting is only a small part of this new technique that was developed by a group of four Russian handmaders. They used the first letters of their names to come up with a name for it. They called it ANKARS. If you are curious what jewellery is made in ankars technique, you should google and look for yourself. They are amazing!
I was lucky enough to meet one of the ankars developers a few years ago and make virtual friends with her. She is a nice lady, very intellectual and intelligent. She is also the most popular teacher of the ankars technique in Russia. I had one of her books about ankars... and now I have a set of jewellery made by her... this bracelet and earrings.
I love my jewellery that I get as a gift exchange with my friends. I have known them for years... It is so nice to have something they make. Touch what they were touching... even though I have never seen them in real life while spending hours communicating in Internet...
It is amazing, that any ankars piece of jewellery is a conversation piece. Its history is so new and the look is so unusual, that it will attract attention of anybody who likes jewellery. They can only be one of the two: either know exactly what it is or know nothing about it :) In both cases they will be interested in talking about it :) I will be putting it on only when I am in a "talking mood" (that is pretty much always :)
Who is this fairy who made me the set? Her name is Rina Stepnaya. And this is her web-site: http://rina-ankars.narod.ru/ It is in Russian. The pictures do not need a translation, though ;)
I also saw my friend's jewelry, a remarkable artist, not only in the pictures. They are awesome!:)
Необыкновенная,очень интересная техника! Работы таких мастеров,как Рина Степная,Алла Визир и Ирочка Слободянник это ни с чем не сравнимые произведения искусств!
It look very nice!
it look very nice!
Необыкновенно красивое украшение! Можно часами сидеть и любоваться хитросплетением узоров!
А уж я-то как рада! :) Повезло так повезло! :)
Lucky me :)
Я даже не подозревала о такой технике. Невероятно красиво, ушла любоваться другими работами :)
Ну вот, как чудесно, еще один (как минимум) человек узнал!
Мне было очень приятно делать эту работу для Наташи.
Спасибо, Рина! А мне-то как приятно иметь твою работу!
This is so lovely!!
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