
Kokoshnik keeps taking over the world fashion!

Friday, November 13, 2015

If you find my "Bead Day" section and scroll down you will see that I've published a few kokoshniks already. Kokoshnik is often decorated with a lot of beads. Kokoshnik is one of the Russian symbols in fashion that takes over the world fashion sometimes! Do you remember this and other kokoshniks by Karl Lagerfeld? 

That was not the first time when when it was trending. Kokoshniks have been worn at the beginning of the 20th century till the 1930th. They were the tiaras in a shape of a kokoshnik. Not only princesses wore them! It was a trendy headdress for all women!

They were worn by the actresses too, of course:

Gloria Swanson
Kokoshnik is a great wedding accessory, therefore it was worn by the brides also: 

Bridal portrait, c. 1920.
The most precious tiaras in a shape of a kokoshnik belonged to those who could afford them (of course!) This kokoshnik-tiara belonged to the empress Alexandra:

It is still around... Guess who got it!

This Russian fashion had been really big before it has arrived to Europe together with the Russian immigrants after the revolution in 1917. 

Grand duchess Elizabeth

I love this picture:

Robert Lefevre, 1817

This one is nice too:

Konstantin Makovsky
(more pictures)

What I find really interesting is that there is a big choice of kokoshniks on Etsy! Well... relatively big choice :)
How about this one?

Gold Crystal Pearl 'Golden Regina' Kokoshnik

More kokoshniks on Etsy
Awesome pin-board with lots of kokoshniks


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