
Monday Jewellery Quote

Monday, May 18, 2015

Long beetle wings earrings with Swarovsky crystals


aquariann said...

Ha! Cute quote.

Katie Kennedy said...

Hahaha very funny quote! Love it!

May Chiu said...

Haha so cute Natalia!

Natalia Khon said...

Happy, I made you laugh, ladies! :)

k8053 said...

Ha! Brilliant, says she, dropping HUGE hints left right & centre!

Natalia Khon said...

I know one quote I can reply with: "You are not big, you just have more room to display your jewellery" (said Natalia at one of her jewellery making classes :)

2justByou said...

This one made me smile!

Natalia Khon said...

This is true! The sun might shine from the wrong angle, but jewellery will never make you look big :)

k8053 said...

I have more & more room lately unfortunately but as soon as I get on my feet again it IS (says she again) all going to just fall by the wayside (I had major surgery on my leg & have been stuck in a wheelchair for a couple of months & then Dad died a month ago so I hit the chocolate HARD!)

Natalia Khon said...

Sorry to hear of your loss...

Yeah... chocolate can do that... exactly the reason why I do not remember when I had it last time :)
Also sending my best wishes to get on your feet again!

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