I have two wonderful jewellery boxes made of hardwood and decorated with straw. I always admired these boxes. I could figure out that the decorating work was very fine. Never knew how it was done, though. Thanks to this post I finally have made up my mind to find out how they did that. It is indeed very fine work!
Well, this is something very Russian, so the DIY is in Russian too! I did not bother with the Google-translation this time. Just look at the pictures and you will get a clear idea on how it is made. To be honest, I do not see myself ever following this DIY to make even a lot simpler design :) Here it is!
Decorated with straw!? You're right, I wouldn't have the patience either!! So pretty though!
I cannot imagine too many people who would have enough patience for that :))
I've seen these before. We have Belorusian relatives (by marriage) and Dad visited them for a couple of weeks some years ago. He brought back lots of presents includiing one of these. My Mum is Welsh & near her village was a POW camp where many Italian & Eastern European soldiers were kept. They used to do similar things with matchsticks. They certainly had the time to use this techinique.
I spoke too soon, didn't I? :) Calling this "something very Russian" :) I won't be surprised if the Russians actually adopted the technique. It is hard to say, as I am not in expert in this. I googled Tunbridge Ware and found outstanding samples of this art though. Thank you for the information, Kate! I would not know it unless I've visited the UK museums, I think... and who knows when that is going happen! The information about matchsticks is interesting too! I'd be more willing to try it with the matchsticks than straw :)
Oops, sorry! I think that this sort of traditional 'peasant' arts & crafts ware was very widespread. I remember watching a documentary about the Napoleonic Wars and the prisoners made similar small items and swopped skills. They could sell the pieces to buy extra rations like tobacco. And of course they didn't have the distractions we have today!
I guess, people still traveled even before they invented the airplanes, lol
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