
TOP 10. Cushions for home decoration

Friday, March 13, 2015

A through cushion can add an interesting accent to your home decoration. It can be a part of a room design or a center piece. Why not? 

Here is my top 10 of awesome cushions that you can actually buy. 

Veliarca Tan Box Bolster Decorative Throw Pillow by SofaGarden

GREY CAT Linen pillow by linendreams

Knitted Ammonite Cushion by AutumnWithHolly

Long Cotton Wood Tree Log Bolster Pillow by chicsindesigndo

Mountain shaped pillow by ColetteBream

THE TUBER by retextil

Giant Kiwi Fruit Pillow by jumbojibbles

Sea shell decorative pillows by zolayka

Large Knitted Triangles Letter Cushion by BobAndJohn

Pac man cushion by MadeByMinah
See all pillows that I've found on my Pinboard:


Katie Kennedy said...

Oh my gosh that cat one looks so real!! Love it!

2justByou said...

The pac man is hands down my favorite.

k8053 said...

I love that cat cushion and I think even I could manage to make the Ammonite cushion. I've got some ammonite earrings & I adore them but don't wear them very often as they are quite heavy.

May Chiu said...

I love the pac man pillow! SO CUTE!!

Natalia Khon said...

This is my kind of cat :))

Natalia Khon said...

I love ammonites! However, I prefer ammolites in my jewelery. I have a few stones now, but have not used them yet...

Rachel Beltz said...

Oh my gosh I really want the knitted ammonite cushion!! (or at least the pattern so I can make one!)

aquariann said...

The ammonite cushion is my favorite! I'm a huge fan of spirals.

Knitted Ammonite Cushion
Knitted Ammonite Cushion
Knitted Ammonite Cushion

aquariann said...

Ha, I kept trying to paste Knitted Ammonite Cushion instead of having to type it, but it wasn't showing up until the comment posted. Weird!

Natalia Khon said...

Now it looks like you really love that cushion, lol

aquariann said...

Very! :D

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